How do you know if your painted leaf begonia is getting enough humidity? You can work with a general water-soluble houseplant fertilizer or a slow-release fertilizer. The outer edges of the leaf are typically a dark green while the inner portion can be colored shades of pink, red, silver, or purple. Begonia … Signs of lack of sunlight include long, leggy growth, precisely because the plant is reaching towards the light. Begonias are often a problem for many people because Begonias differ so much in the way they grow. Also keep them away from kids. Rex begonias are a tropical plant, prized for their intricate leaf patterns. As fall approaches many gardeners want to bring their flowers indoors to keep enjoying them into the fall and winter months. Booman has been working to breed rex begonias with good salt tolerance, a tendency to hold their leaves over winter, and novel leaf pattern or intense leaf color. Most begonias will only live 2-3 years, even with stellar care. Some cultivars can be very finicky, especially when it comes to humidity, but there are varieties that aren’t as demanding. You want to avoid direct sun exposure, which will certainly burn the leaves of the rex begonia. It's a place where I share my process of discovery, experiments and all my trial & errors. Choose an indoor type of begonia. If the leaves turn brown and wilt, there is the possibility that you have been overwatering. Leaves will offer you a clue — leaves that have burnt edges indicate that the plant isn’t receiving the humidity it needs. Rex begonias are a flamboyant plant with many features to please the eyes. It looks wilted, but the soil is wet. Overwatered begonia stems and roots can often rot during our humid, sometimes rainy summers, . Don’t water the leaves, only the soil to avoid fungal disease issues. Read my rex begonia plant care tips below and you too can enjoy the splendor of these plants. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Cane stemmed begonias. The seeds are tiny and germination rates are often extremely low. How do I know if I have tuberous begonias? Wet and Wilting. According to the University of California IPM Program, improper irrigation is among the most common causes of damage in plants. If you still experience problems, you need to change the location of the plant to a place where it can get bright indirect light. of water and spray the remaining leaves with it. Namn: Rexbegonia (Begonia Rex-gruppen) . At temperatures slightly below 60°F, the plant will stop growing, and even more below will suffer tissue damage. Robert Golden is another easy care rex like. Locate the petiole: it’s the part where the leaf connects to its leaf stem. Consider other alternatives to rexes that look like rex but don't have the rex parentage in its line. What should the timing be on a Chevy 350? Be careful not to bury begonia seed too deeply when planting. In width, they reach about the same size as their height. This requires that you periodically (every 3-4 months) flush the soil to wash away any build-up. Here is one of mine Hugh begonias. If possible, use room temperature water that has been distilled. Because the leaves of rex begonias grow clumped together, the plant is dense looking and rounded. The advice given here will help guide you to growing success. Rex begonias need thorough watering but should not be overwatered. Edema. The all-purpose fertilizer should be used at quarter strength every two weeks during the growing season, while the slow release fertilizer should only be applied every three months. One of the chief issues with this plant is its preference for high humidity levels, something that not many of our homes can offer. Provide plenty of light and keep moist but not overwatered/soggy. Copyright 2020 FindAnyAnswer All rights reserved. The easiest and most straightforward way to propagate rex begonias is by whole leaf cuttings. Begonia types. Move your plant to a shady area even if it is a full-sun plant. Escargot: This variety stands out through spiraling markings that are light green or silvery interposed on a dark green background. Begonia stems take root easily. In summer, you can move your rex begonia outdoors in partial shade if its light requirements are not properly met inside your home. Boston Cherries & Chocolate: This variety has dark purple leaves with pink or silver spots. This conserves energy for the plant’s recovery. Make sure the pot has drainage holes. Remove some foliage from the top of the plant, along with any buds, flowers, and fruit. Mist the foliage of Rex (foliage) type begonias twice a week or provide high humidity to avoid leaf drop. Replant the begonia and water it, making sure the water drains well, as root rot is more common in waterlogged soil. Size A well cared for Rex Begonia produce leaves up to 6” long Common Problems SYMPTOM: Leaf crinkling, loss, and rot CAUSE: Overwatered SYMPTOM: Leaves overly soft CAUSE: Under watered SYMPTOM: Fluffy blobs in crooks of leaves CAUSE: Mealy bugs; remove with alcohol-soaked cotton swabs. Clean the pot with bleach, then add sterile potting mix. Sterilize soil or media before replanting. Peat-based potting mixers are a good choice. Does Hermione die in Harry Potter and the cursed child? They thrive in organic, sharp-draining soil and in shade with lots of humidity. Even if you water your begonia properly, high humidity along with cool temperatures can increase the likelihood that the begonia will suffer from leaf rot and/or botrytis. Check your pot for proper drainage and, if possible, create additional air space around the roots. Remove and destroy infected plants, increase ventilation, and avoid moistening leaves by watering. Painted leaf begonias don’t usually require pruning, except when the plant is turning out to be leggy, which usually happens when the plant is not getting enough light. Regional Advice and Care. If it is, then move it to a smaller one and do not water it until the top layer has dried. It would also be a good idea to increase the air circulation around the plant to prevent further incidences.” Water begonias thoroughly when the top 1/2 to 1 inch of their soil feels dry. The potting medium for rex begonias should have well-draining soil that is light and rich. Slightly moist soil is ideal for painted leaf begonias, but excess moisture will cause root rot, so make sure the water drains properly from the pot and you empty the saucer of excess water. The ideal temperature for these plants is between 60°F to 85°F (15 °C to 30°C), which is the ideal range for most tropical plants. Therefore, the rex begonia is a plant that will appeal to those who are more satisfied with elaborate foliage displays than blooms, especially that there are several rex begonia varieties. Hugh McLaughlin comes to mind - always colorful and hard to beat no matter what the season. Humidity is crucial to keeping your rex begonia happy, however, spraying the leaves can lead to spotting. Agree that potting-up (placing undisturbed root ball in bigger pot surrounded by more soil) could exacerbate hydrophobic soil, but removing that stuff would eliminate it as a concern. The plant is known to have a high resistance to pests. Do not overwater, and keep water-hose ends off the ground. Rex begonias need thorough watering but should not be overwatered. Even Rex begonias (Begonia rex, hardy in USDA zones 10 through 12), with their decorative, swirling leaf designs, prefer a partial shade location. Rex begonia plant showing leaf detail. Rex Begonia like well-drained soil and high humidity. Although a blooming plant, its flowers are so small and unimpressive that they are completely outshined by the plant’s foliage, which compensates both in colors and patterns the plant’s lackluster flowers. Your email address will not be published. In case of fungal issues, you will usually need to use a fungicide to get rid of the problem. Avoid soggy conditions, but do not allow plants to wilt. “They evolved in … Tall growing, up to 1-2m, these varieties bloom from mid-summer to mid-autumn with fleshy flowers like little chandeliers, in shades of pink, red, orange and white. The Rex cultorum group originated from an Indian species, Begonia rex. Rex Begonia, also known as the painted leaf begonia or fancy leaf begonia, is a tropical perennial famous for its large, multicolored leaves. Begonia is frost tender and a consistent temperature above 50°F is required. General Rules. You can cut back on water during their dormant period in the winter, watering only when the pot dries out. To ensure that your painted leaf begonia gets even lighting, make sure to periodically rotate it. Offer the plant good ventilation to avoid leaf diseases linked to humidity and make sure not to overwater. Overwatering and underwatering can both cause wilted, discolored foliage. Rex begonias don’t mind being a bit root bound, but repotting each spring is beneficial to the plant. With the use of fertilizers, there is a concern of salt build-up in the soil. If you’re comfortable, the Rex Begonia is comfortable. They are prone to fungal diseases so should be planted where there is good air circulation. I also could be wrong but that pot looks far too big, most begonias have shallow root systems so you have to be really careful about potting them up too far so they don't get overwatered. Of course, you’ll also need to make adjustments and increase ventilation while also maintaining the high humidity levels the plant requires. Espèces et variétés de Begonia. Most of these issues can be avoided by strictly observing the plant’s growing requirements. Fiches des plantes du même genre. They frequently have large leaves (up to 6 inches long) that are brightly colored in various shades of green, red, silver, and even purple. Telecom Audit Group; About Us; FAQ; Testimonials; Contact Us; (706) 443-4424 Try to apply the water only to the soil and keep it off the foliage, which reduces disease problems. If you water early in the day, it gives the foliage time to dry before nightfall. Rex begonias produce small flowers that are pink or white and usually have few petals. Familj: Begoniaceae, begoniaväxter.. Ursprung: Begonia rex är från Ostasien, de rexbegonior som odlas idag är dock hybrider med en inte helt klarlagd bakgrund.. Beskrivning: Begonia – efter den franske botanikern Michael Begon (1638 – 1710) rex – betyder kung och kan eventuellt syfta på växtens sällsynt vackra bladverk. I earn a commission if you make a purchase through my referral links. I propagate at least 100 per year. They have a reputation of being difficult to grow, although there are varieties that are less demanding. The other key to success with rex begonias in Booman’s book is tap-water quality. This article will show you the easiest way to propagate a rex begonia leaf. The main rule of thumb for watering begonias is to not let the soil dry out completely. Other types like tuberous, Rex, and Rieger begonias prefer cool temperatures and do not usually make reliable landscape plants in Florida, but you can always try them as houseplants. Also Know, how do you care for a rex begonia? However, to ensure proper begonia care, you should be wintering over begonias indoors if you live in areas prone to freezing temperatures, such as northern climates. You can create elaborate displays and combine different varieties, making sure each stay in their own pot. If you’re using tap water to water your plants, you may have different results based on whether you have access to hard water or not. Getty Images. Water your rex begonia deeply, allowing the soil to become almost completely dry between waterings. Snow Queen: This rex begonia variety has beautiful silvery green leaves. Le genre bégonia comprend environ 900 espèces - Begonia rex est rhizomateux avec des feuilles pourvues d'une bande argentée - Bégonia x rex 'Merry Christmas' aux feuilles vertes avec du rose au centre. Click to see full answer Also, why is my begonia drooping? Although Rex begonias are sure to bring a bit of an exotic and tropical appeal to your indoor spaces, use caution where you decide to place them. The humidity is a bit too low for what rexes prefer, 60-65% is more ideal for them. At the beginning of this article, I mentioned how rex begonias aren’t the easiest plant to grow. Remove the small flowers of Rex type begonias as they start to bloom to concentrate the plants energy on foliage. Normally, you won’t need to water the plant more than once a week, but always let the soil guide you. During the winter, when the Rex begonia isn't actively growing, cut back watering to about once every two to three weeks. Telecom Audit Group. Avoid fertilization until the plant shows new growth. Rex begonias are striking known as painted-leaf begonias or fancy-leaf begonias because of their stunning leaf coloration. They are best planted out in spring, and they should grow well through summer and autumn. What's the difference between Koolaburra by UGG and UGG? These plants are grown almost exclusively … Rex begonias are known for their colorful and textured leaves. Slightly moist soil is ideal for painted leaf begonias, but excess moisture will cause root rot, so make sure the water drains properly from the pot and you empty the saucer of excess water. Planting Seed. Fireworks: This variety certainly lives up to its name. Begonia plants, regardless of type, cannot withstand freezing cold temperatures and require appropriate winter care. Judy Cook is extra large, silvery, and stands up to Miami heat. Where there is a lack of natural light, artificial light in the form of fluorescent lighting can supplement the lack of natural lighting. One of the more common types of begonias grown is the rhizomatous, or Rex begonia.Interested in growing begonia rhizomes? Care: Watering “on demand” (or when the soil is dry to the touch) is a great way to keep Rex begonias happy. Marie Iannotti is an au Overwintering a begonia is not always necessary in warmer environments, as winters are generally less severe. Let’s take a look at the most critical elements of growing the rex begonia as houseplants. That’s because “hard” water with high mineral salt content causes leaf edge burn in rex begonias because they have no mechanism to deal with salt loads. Rex begonias (painted leaf begonias) may not be the easiest plant to grow indoors, but with the proper know-how, you’ll succeed in growing a thriving plant that will add liveliness and color to any indoor space. Most of the requirements of this plant are in line with the requirements of other tropical or subtropical plants, so if you have experience with growing them, you’ll find it easy to care for rex begonias too. Wax Begonias In the landscape, wax begonias ( Begonia semperflorens ) are most popular, with flowers that keep their rich color, even during the summer. Begonias originate from tropical environs and are accustomed to growing in bright, warm and humid conditions. Use clean, sharp shears or a knife to cut the stems back to a leaf node. How do you know if your plant is overwatered? Grow begonias in bright, indirect sunlight or dappled sunlight, preferably in an area with high humidity. Fertilizing can be beneficial for rex begonias especially if done right. Brown Leaves. Begonia should be planted about 7 to 10 inches apart. The begonia, with over 1,000 different species, originated in the tropics. Among the various types of begonias, the Begonia rex are some of the most beautiful and stunning plants. To meet the plant’s humidity requirements, you need to increase humidity levels either manually or by using a humidifier. During the winter, when the Rex begonia isn't actively growing, cut back watering to about once every two to three weeks. Rex begonias have a good pest and disease resistance if growing requirements are met. High mineral salt content can cause leaf edge burn in rex begonias because of their inability to deal with the high loads of dissolved mineral salts present in hard water. The problems you may encounter with rex begonias include mealybugs (sapsucker pests that can be removed using a cotton ball soaked in alcohol), root rot (caused by overwatering), leaf blight (caused by a temperature contrast between day and night), and powdery mildew (fungal problem caused by high humidity in the absence of air circulation). Water more frequently when grown in hanging baskets or containers. Simply put a leaf cutting in a mixture of moist peat moss and perlite and wait for it to root. How do I know if my begonia has root rot? Always rotate the plant so it’s evenly reached by light and prevents leggy growths. Pinching back the leggy growths will help the plant grow fuller once you also move it to a location where it can get more light. The leaves offer a spectacular sight with silver leaves etched with a deep purple. Ingesting the leaves of rex begonia plants can cause vomiting, drooling, and even kidney failure in severe cases. What cars have the most expensive catalytic converters? Observe the amount of sunlight that falls on the begonias during the day. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Overwintering Begonias. Although begonias can be fun to grow, they are susceptible to a number of pests and diseases. Planting begonia from seed is a difficult task. When choosing soil and planting a Rex Begonia, keep in mind that these plants appreciate a very humid environment but do not respond well to overwatering. Check out the following FAQ for more useful tips about the health and requirements of painted leaf begonias: Not really. Sometimes called painted-leaf begonias or fancy-leaf begonias, these plants are known for their showy, sometimes jaw-dropping leaf coloration. Begonias thrive year-round in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 to 10. If you buy begonia … I'm joining in this week for the "My favorite plant in the garden this week" meme, hosted by Loree of Danger Garden repute. The spiraling leaves look like a snail. These plants grow densely, you should not crowd multiple plants together. Some begonias offer not only delicate, colorful blossoms but also decorative foliage. Follow my recommendations below and you’ll have an easier time growing these plants. In height, painted leaf begonias can reach 12 to 24 inches, depending on the variety. Cause: The plant is overwatered. They thrive in organic, sharp-draining soil and in shade with lots of humidity. Required fields are marked *. You can pick a west or east-facing window but avoid south-facing windows if the weather gets particularly hot in your area. Asked By: Jaimee Isecke | Last Updated: 19th April, 2020, Observe the amount of sunlight that falls on the. Replant the begonia and water it, making sure the water drains well, as root rot is more common in waterlogged soil. The painted leaf begonia can grow up to 24 inches tall. Your email address will not be published. Water only when the soil is dry to the touch, but do not let it get too dry. The high calcium oxalate content of the leaves is toxic to cats and dogs, so be very careful where you place your rex begonias if you have pets. Clumping them together is not a good idea, since it can lead to diseases. These plants thrive in partial shade, so too much sun can burn the leaves and cause them to wilt. Since I've seen a couple others cheat a bit with multiple favorites, I decided to forgo the agony of choosing just one plant and go with a group of plants: rex begonias. The leaves of an overwatered plant often struggle for water and are vulnerable to drying in bright conditions. The plant contains soluble calcium oxalates, which are toxic to cats and dogs. I’ve created this website to help beginners care for their plants. Wilted, overwatered plants are not always a lost cause. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Solution: Make sure the plant is not potted in a big container. Rex Begonia: Indoor Troubleshooting Problem: Yellow or wilted leaves. Begonias such as Begonia Rex and Begonia metallica are popular houseplants grown for their attractive foliage or flowers. Tag us using #gardenista. How do you save Overwatered begonias? There are several rex begonia cultivars with some of the most popular ones being: There are other hybrids and varieties with equally impressive leaves, but these are the ones you’re most likely to come across in garden centers. Deadhead spent flowers on your begonia plants and remove any rotting stems if they get overwatered. Instead of tap water, you can use rainwater with excellent results. Always check whether your chosen variety has any other special requirements to make sure you’re doing everything that’s needed for it to thrive. Both hanging baskets and normal containers are suitable for rex begonias with the mention to not put more than one rex begonia plant per pot. Don’t water the leaves, only the soil to avoid fungal disease issues. Fertilize monthly with an organic plant food. How often should I water my indoor begonia? Move your plant to a shady area even if it is a full-sun plant. The third sign that your plant has been overwatered is edema. Therefore, you can take the time to propagate your rex begonia, especially if it’s an interesting cultivar that you don’t want to part with. Most begonia varieties prefer partial shade and indirect sunlight. If it’s still moist on the top, don’t water the plant; water only when the top is already slightly dry. A regular potting soil should work just fine as a base. Painted leaf begonias are high to medium light plants, so aim for bright indirect light all year round. Also, how often do you water a rex begonia? It’s a less finicky variety that’s easier to grow. Wilted, overwatered plants are not always a lost cause. The leaves may have bold shapes or striking, often silver markings. This means a well-draining, looser soil type is a good idea. They can be grown indoors, as long as there is sufficient humidity around them and they are not overwatered. Let the potting soil dry out slightly between watering during lower light and cooler temperatures of late fall and winter. Their intricate leaves do not need a full sunlight position for optimal photosynthesis. A Note of Caution For Indoor Rex Begonia Care. Begonia rex should be watered when the soil or pot feels dry, but don’t wait until the plant starts to wilt. No matter what the season at the beginning of this article will show you the easiest and most straightforward to... 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