Sometimes this fear is partially justified if an attack has happened in the area recently, but most of the time it is an unsubstantiated one. Then my fear continued to explore. I have no idea why I’m terrified of sharks, but I can barely shower without going into some sort of panic attack due to thinking of sharks. In 2019 there were only 64 shark attacks world-wide, with just two fatalities. I do not have a fear of Sharks for the most part, I love movies like Jaws and Deep blue sea, however i do feel mild anxiety when i go to the beach. A friend once joked that my fear and dreams mean I may have been attacked by a shark in a former life. But where did our fear of sharks come from, and how far back does it go? Jaws is one of my all time favorite movies and always will be. My parents tried to “cure” me of it one year by making me ride the JAWS ride at Universal Orlando….needless to say that went about as well as a train wreck lol. Many theme parks offer “swim with the sharks” programs that can help sufferers face their fear. Hence my resistance to boating trips, beach trips, etc. The physical appearance of sharks is often deemed as scary. Also, there have been many interactions between sharks and humans that have not ended with bites or attacks. Incidental bycatch and direct hunting are some of the biggest threats to whale sharks. I also got my fear from Jaws. It’s the worst feeling when you think your life is going to end. I told her I would rather stay on dry land. I have never been to an omni theater or imax or anything like that because I have an extreme fear of seeing a shark close up again. People wish for money, a nice car etc. Think back to how ancient people would have survived in their primitive habitats. People say there are no sharks in this area but the way I look at it is all the seas oceans are connected, if a shark wants to swim from America to Greece it can do it, there is nothing in its way. I was very little when I had an animal book and though they had one animal per page, in the middle of the book they had a whale spanning through the width of the page. I’ve also researched therapy practices in Australia where this phobia is said to be extremely common because of the frequency of attacks. If I tell you there's a one in 3,748,067 chance you could be attacked and killed by a shark, that number is too abstract for your brain to be sensitive to it. I hate going to the beach, but if I do go to the beach, I always stay on land. It was definitely *reading* JAWS and a few other books, way too young (involving ship wrecks, lost scuba divers, lost at sea, the Aames Home Loan raft/shark commerical, along with a children’s storybook I had which had illustrations showing dark packs of swarming hammerheads swimming as silhouettes in deep green water, perpetually menacing the psyche and physical well being of the human protagonists. But we're not necessarily afraid of sharks upfront, and the animals are diverse. x Ive had a fear of sharks for a long time. The moment I saw that I had to turn away as it was too intense. If you know anything about bull sharks, they can live in both salt and fresh water. This includes aquariums, theme parks like Sea World, beaches, rivers and zoos etc. Galeophobia, is a term used to describe a phobia for people who possess a persistent and extreme primal fear of sharks. I start having sweaty palms and breathing heavy and very uneasy. Bull sharks tend to hang out in the same areas that humans use. Previously, my first step for addressing this, very limiting and irrational phobia, was always going to be learning to scuba dive and forcing the matter through conditioning and, eventually, a night dive which would either end in a panic attack and ridiculous underwater death, or being completely healed and empowered. when i went to the beach for the first time I faced my fear of the ocean. There's a scientific explanation. Stupid? It changed everything. The word Galeophobia is coined from the Greek word “Galeos” which stands for small sharks or dogfish (in particular, sharks having markings like those of a weasel) and “Phobos” which means deep dread or fear. I quit breathing in my sleep and woke up gasping for air. In Jaws there is a boy that was killed while on a floatie, so you can see where that thought comes from. I know it screwed me up. Great whites, for example—the species Hollywood immortalized as mindless killers—have mouths lined with several rows of up to 300 dagger-like teeth that can easily shred through prey. I hate going to the beach for this reason and when i was forced to scuba dive by my family, i had a panic attack. Chapman recommends going for its eyes or gills if possible. I want everyone on this site to be able to overcome this fear and group “therapy” is so powerful. This fears keeps people from swimming in the ocean or going out on boats. I felt this horrible stabbing pain in my leg and felt something jerk my whole body downwards. I hate it because everytime I swim I feel so anxious and nervous, because I have the feeling something is under me. This involves looking at pictures of sharks or watching movies about them until one can progress to visiting places where sharks are available. A friend posted pics of a shark swimming around about 30 yards from the beach which is about 30 minutes from me. Overcoming a fear of sharks starts with looking at the facts and figures for attacks as they are extremely uncommon. Being at aquariums, I freaked out when I saw an open fish tank that had a medium sized shark in it. At the beach I can put my feet in the water but not go out any deeper than my ankles. I know how you feel! I really think if I do go scuba diving and if a shark is nearby, it will know. Sometimes when I am in the shower I think a shark is behind me and the bottom of the shower will break and I will fall in to a pool of sharks. Flashes within a microsecond. Fear is not necessarily something we're born with, but it's something we have developed over time. For me, showers and toilets are fine because I try to remind myself that a creature of that size could not fit in those places. If everyone could share this that would be great. They learned fear as an adaptation to protect themselves. I’m 13 and I’m the exact same. You can give yourself the illusion of control, because when you don't feel in control, things seem scarier. Then I used to be afraid of blue bucket and red mug. Fear Of Sharks. Thanks Mom!!! However, the doc had a section about megalodon and that was the first time I ever heard of it. ), If you swim in clear water, you can give yourself the illusion of being in control if you did spot a shark. The worst thing about it is that when I’m in the water and somebody says only the word “shark” I get immediately out… I hate it. I wouldn’t go near that thing. I was taken aback a little but not that scared. I’m not sure if I would say i’m galeophobic, but I’m definitely afraid of sharks in an irrational way. Now I am 21 and ashamed that the fear is still in me. If you do get attacked you have almost no chance of defending yourself it’s like being trapped in a cage with a lion you literally can’t do anything but fight for your life and that terrifies me. So that means that my shower has to be hot and I can’t afford to have both my eyes closed so I wash one side of my face first and then the left over. I was unafraid, even when I saw sharks in the waters I was in, I was cautious but unafraid. Maybe there is something wrong with my head, but I have always had a fascination with these big fishes. December 5, 2019 leesilber fear, lee silber, Sharks. Now They're Nearly Gone."). Like how animals know… I would love to drown before it bites me or even charges towards me…. My little sister was 3 at the time, and she happened to get carsick easily. I don’t think the movie is what messed me up because I still like watching Shark Week and old Cousteau… I think sharks are magnificent and noble. I couldn’t understand it. Fear of sharks is rooted in the brain, and can be understood by examining what Ropeik called "two biological truths" about how the brain processes information. Also, I had a nightmare once about the ocean, me and my dad were taking a trip to some concert or show or something, and it was near the beach. Our fear of sharks is tinged with subconscious guilt. And I love air travel! i was 5 then. As I got older, this no longer worked so they turned to turning the volume up louder during an attack scene so I could hear it all from my room. "They are such survivors, they've evolved to basically survive under any stress," Chapman says. This is also the beach we go to when we do go to the beach. So annoying I hate it. – DG. As stated before, media is the most likely cause of the fear of sharks. Perhaps hypnotherapy is worth a go… Just like the 1st testimonial, my fear of sharks also started when I was little and saw a clip from a movie (not sure of the title but I guess it’s also Jaws) and since then, I got this terrible feeling whenever I saw a picture especially a film that sharks are existing. That and other shark-related inquiries below. When I get in I swim close to the shore and when people pass me and swim out quite far I think if they can do it so can I so I swim out and see dark shadows under me, I get in a panic and it takes me about 5 seconds to swim back to shore. Now even when I swim in a pool I always get an irrational fear that there is a shark behind me. I get so scared in the shower and all of that and I am so pleased and glad that I’m not the only one. The great news, is that we can get over all of this stuff that’s in our head because that’s all it is. When I had it I was 7 years old and every body was teasing me with shark photos and watching the teeth freaked me so I forced my self to watch documentaries which that makes it worse. I even think ice cubes are sharks, if im drinking water and ice without a straw by any chance, i wont let the ice cube touch my lip. Relevancia. I have a young child and my biggest fear even if he is near me is he will be bitten by a shark. (Read: "Why Great White Sharks Are Still a Mystery to Us"), "The idea of being munched on by an animal that is in control is another factor," Ropeik says. If anything it’s gotten worse and the worst part is I know how irrational it is. But figured if I can face my fear of sharks, he can face his fear of marrying me (again)!! It is not so much the fear of being eaten than it is the fear of being chased by a big, ugly, scary teethed creature I have. LOL That movie was actually fun to watch! My fear of sharks is not severe. I always hoped the fear would leave me but it never has despite me facing it down many times. I love to swim though, and I’m on a swim team. I suffered nightmares for years about drowning or being eaten alive by a great white shark. I have been galeophobic for as long as I can remember. While a majority of the viewers tend to forget this fear of sharks; a Galeophobic individual continues to experience it persistently and irrationally. Cancer and heart disease are also way more likely to kill you. they are just like any other animal, as vastly misunderstood as any predator. This can easily lead to an excessive cleaning disorder. In the ’80s here in the UK, Jaws was on TV almost every weekend. I’ve had this phobia from sharks since I was little and can’t get over it. Especially great whites and basking sharks. Required fields are marked *. I really would love to get clear of this phobia, if someone granted me one wish it would be to clear myself of this thing. I’m only in 8th grade and in class we had to watch the nemo trailer for English and write all the themes and I forgot about Bruce so when he came into the screen I gasped and tucked my legs onto the chair as if something was under me and started crying, the teacher had to send me out of the classroom with one of my friends it was so traumatic. Even when the word ‘shark’ is said when I’m in or near water it makes me scream. It was a toy so I actually wasn’t afraid of it. A fear of sharks is a common issue for people who want to swim in oceans. I have this phobia but only experience the symptoms when I’m in the ocean or mild paranoid symptoms when I’m in a swimming pool, otherwise I’m fine. I can’t even look at a picture of a shark or look at the sea without almost crying or panicking. I was standing in the video store in my town with my dad and brother and I saw the artwork for the VHS tape and instantly wanted it. my husband carried me out until the water was at his chin, and he’s very tall. I’ve watched the so called monsters save diver’s lives, and beg to be saved themselves, I’ve watched them protect humans from other sea life. Sufferers of this phobia are extremely afraid of going near oceans, lakes, rivers, on ships and boats or even visiting aquariums or zoos despite the fact that sharks are safely restricted behind sturdy glass windows. —it’s in the dark and endless water that I see the image of their eyes and teeth. (Sharks commonly go after seals, and from below, a surfboard can look like a seal.) A lot of them will lie low in the depths until you are vulnerable and then charge full speed at you from below and you have no time to react. I remember having a very vivid and terrifying dream I’m 49 now and I still clearly remember it, I was standing powerless on the beach while all my loved ones were in the water facing me while sharks bit their necks. Being eaten alive by a 15-foot-long tiger shark seems like a painful way to suffer through death, and we dread the possibility that a shark attack could be the thing that kills us. My younger sister thinks I should get in a shark cage to overcome my fear. OK, but what can I do to fight my fear of sharks? I can understand the ocean. A phobia shared by millions, the word derives from the Greek word “Galeos” which translates as "shark with markings resembling those on a weasel" and “Phobos” which means deep dread, or fear. So I am always fearful even in pools that something is gonna come from the depths and break through the bottom of the pool to get me. The fear of sharks, called Galeophobia or Selachophobia, is a serious problem for some people. I feel the exact same way, I mean, it’s terrifying just to wash my face in the shower. However, on the odd occasions I missed the ads during the week, my mother would plot with my siblings to keep quiet about the showing, and on the day of, they would call me into the living room for something (I began to avoid TV most Saturday nights) and I would walk in during an attack scene. We are told that the average shark attack is in waist deep water by a three foot shark. Even now just swimming in a pool or something I can’t help but think that a shark is going to come and take a big chomp out of me. Photograph by Brian Skerry, Nat Geo Image Collection. It helped me reach a comfortable medium when it comes to my anxiety. When Irrational Fear Become Rational. Fear of Sharks Phobia – Galeophobia or Selachophobia. Infants aren't afraid of snakes and heights, but as adults, our brains become more sensitive to fearful stimuli. The minute I close them I start getting images of a shark attacking me. The benefits of having sharks around far outweigh the negatives. It drives me insane. The same thing happened to me! Well lit bathroom and my eyes open helps. I love the beach but will avoid going in the ocean or even a pool. I get panic attacks and once in high school, my teacher put on a documentary of the great white and I had to put on my best poker face so I wouldn’t get made fun of. I literally always have to drink with a straw and hold the cup by the lid. I grew up 50 yards from the water in Auckland, we swam as kids almost daily. And I want to scuba dive… I am 30 and still living with the fear. But of … When I was about 6 or 7, we went to Universal Orlando and rode the Jaws ride. Lovely family. Individuals utmost at risk are: At 7.15pm on what felt like every Saturday. I felt like a giant shark was going to jump up out of the darkness beside my bed and grab a hold of me, dragging me to the bottom of the ocean where all the other sharks would feast on me. As soon as we parked, there was water rising up with yellow bubbles in it and we all drowned. It’s just so annoying. I’m 57. Unable to sleep or eat and develop stomach aches. He wanted to get the tiger doc but it was gone. Actually typing it just makes me realise how weird it sounds. I have the same physical and emotional reactions as I did back then. If I knew it was coming on, I would be a complete wreck all week. Once freed, they swam away seemingly unharmed. All rights reserved. It's a fear shared by millions — instilled into the public consciousness with the 1975 release of the movie Jaws, and perpetuated by films like Open Water and The Shallows ever since.. I am in my 30’s and it’s still here and shows no signs of ever leaving my psyche. Would love to hear your response (if you have any)…. So they are more likely to encounter humans than other species. but in my life mine would really be to get rid of this phobia, I need help. My fear is highly irrational, but so bad I can barely shower. you are experiencing a deep sense of relaxation; Needless to say, I said Holy S***! Of the 80-odd shark attacks that happen each year, fatality rates are decreasing thanks to improving medicine and medical response time. My fear is not as severe as the ones here. Following are the symptoms of fear of sharks: Many phobics also scream or close their eyes each time there is an underwater scene in movies. I’m only very young so I haven’t had many holidays where I needed to go in the water but I had a panic attack in the ocean because I thought I saw a shark and ever since then I’ve not been able to sleep properly and I can’t go into a pool without freaking out and swimming back to the ladder. Dunno why, I hate swimming now, and sometimes I think that miniature sharks will come in my bath tub and eat me alive or something. (Don’t worry I’m clean, totally would isolate myself from people if I wasn’t) I feel like it has a connection to Aquaphobia because it’s a symptom of it (Not hydrophobia). (Note that the fear of sharks is also called Selachophobia.). This phobia, unlike many others, is based in some logic due to the fact that sharks are very dangerous creatures. I think being bit or killed by a shark is a very real possibility but others think I'm … (Great whites can reach speeds 10 times faster than typical humans, so logically, if one of these sharks were to come toward you, you wouldn't have time to escape it. Went snorkelling and freaked out at seeing my partner’s navy blue shorts flutter under water. Constant exposure to such movies can cause a person to develop the fear of sharks. Yeah you can say statistics show fatal attacks never usually happen but they DO happen and there is always a chance you could get eaten alive. Doctors and therapists are especially blaming the media for exaggerating shark attack stories. I was afraid of shark fin cutting my bathroom floor and can’t close my eyes with anything water. In the ocean I feel the same way, except I am even more cautious and can’t swim alone at all because I am too scared of sharks for it to be enjoyable. What scares me is their face! Small consolation to the person with the chunk missing from their body. A huge shark swam by and I proceed to freak out and cry so hysterically we had to leave. I’m only afraid of great whites. Why are we afraid of sharks? Then again I can’t imagine how it is for you, since Im not even sure if I could categorize this fear as a phobia or not… After all, Im morbidly curious of sharks, but I still fear them like the plague. I made finally addressing and defeating this phobia a goal for 2016 and hope you are able to gain some peace in the matter soon, as well. I don’t even know why I had that dream, but I did. Being eaten is pretty scary too, though. Galeophobia or the extreme fear of sharks probably conjures up images of the Great White shark as depicted in Jaws, the popular blockbuster movie known for its dramatic music and superb visual effects that exacerbated the fear of sharks in the minds of its viewers. They would have avoided tall cliffs and wild animals because they knew those threats could potentially kill them, and that's what kept them alive. I can’t see myself ever overcoming this :/. The minute I saw the sharks in their tank I began to panic and since I am unable to even look at pictures or hear the word without feeling in some way anxious. They creep me out. Shallow, near coastal areas and river mouths. He was sorry about it. If you can give yourself a sense of control, you feel like you're in less danger. Why is it important we still care about sharks? I can go to the beach but only so far in before I panic. Their mouths are what makes me afraid the most. I don’t like being surrounded by water so avoid pools, and the fear of my legs dangling beneath the surface sends chills up my spine. Read full story at: Nat Geo Talking to a psychoanalyst or hypnotherapist can also help one get to the root of the fear. If I do I see not just the shark but it’s teethy jaw open right on front of me. I am afraid of some apex predators so I studied them and that helps me, however for others it may increase their fears. It is almost always a case of mistaken identity. I’m the exact same, the phobia grew onto me so much to the point where I would be afraid of crocodiles and dinosaurs existing in water! I am 12. I can’t even look at a picture of a shark without throwing my phone and screaming. We are so alike!! No, I get that way too. Studies have shown that shark populations can have an effect on sea grass composition and the presence of other animals in a habitat. After reading these I don’t feel so alone. I will never want to go on cruise ships or small boats that go in the ocean because of this fear. The film is the story of a massive great white that terrorizes a seaside community, and the image of the cover alone—the exposed jaws of a massive shark rising upward in murky water—is enough to inject fear into the hearts of would-be swimmers. In the unlikely event that you are attacked by a shark, experts say it's best to fight back. I am galeophobic and have been since I saw Jaws 3D at the age of 13, I am now 46. Overcome Fear of Sharks is an audio hypnosis session created by psychologists with wide experience in helping people conquer all sorts of fears and phobias. October 12, 2009 by Scotty. The fear of sharks is known as galeophobia. 2020 National Geographic Partners, LLC. It is a parable in a meme (to mix narrative metaphors): our infantile fear for our infants becomes the innocent animal’s death. Well I have the same thing I can’t close my eye without thinking there is a shark in front of me but know I am getting cured all you should do is start of with baby steps just look at pictures of sharks then slowly go to videos then go to an aquarium and that fear of sharks will be gone! It really makes me feel like a buzz kill when I don’t swim out deep with my friends. How can I overcome my fear and feel safe while swimming? Galeophobia sufferers tend to experience intense panic or anxiety attacks at the mere mention of or images of sharks. I have gotten better at containing to other people but when I was in middle school it was so bad that my classmates would purposely show me pictures and videos of sharks just to see me jump out of my seat and yell. I think I got this fear after watching a documentary showing great whites swimming up from the darkness to attack seals from beneath. (Read: "How Tales of Shark Attacks Shaped a U.S. Warship's Legacy"). YES! Sharks are also being studied for cancer treatments and limb regeneration. They are fine as long as they are behind glass or on the tv. The worst part is that I know my fear is completely irrational but no matter how much I tell myself that it doesn’t matter, it still terrifies me. I’m 12 and my fear only started a year ago. Like the sadist picture with this article. I live very close to the beach for many years but have never been in the water past my waist because of my fear of SHARKS! 354 likes. hace 1 década. But, oh boy, did our ancestors have a lot to be afraid of! The term is alternatively used for Ailurophobia (or the fear of cats) since Galeos is derived from galee which stands for polecats or weasel like animals. I’m 44, grew up in Southern California at the beach, swimming, surfing, wading in the waves fishing, my family had a pool in the backyard that we were always in, I love tubing and raftng in rivers, ocean kayaking in Alaska is a highlight of my life… BUT I am terrified of the idea of sharks getting me in dark swimming pools, freshwater lakes, streams, creeks at night, I’ll give a second look to a jacuzzi even, etc, etc. © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, © 2015- I can’t go in the deep end of pools for fear that something is below my legs. I am irrationally convinced that somehow, someway life will conspire some sequence of events to make this happen. I automatically get anxious whenever I heard someone says “shark” That’s kinda weird because even when I am in the bathroom and I imagine a huge shark (even cartoon), I get very nervous and dont want to close my eyes each time I take a bath. I can’t get in a swimming pool without checking around it several times and I can’t go swimming in the sea, I have tried but I turn into an obilisk and freak others out! I have studied sharks because when i was little they both scared and fascinated me. I found out which teacher took it and told her what had happened to me and how much hell that I went through and she was so sorry. I can’t even go swimming at the pool. I thought that seeing the shark again in the aquarium (with my friends) would cure me, but even though that encounter went well I still can’t look at pictures of sharks without a deep feeling of fear and having to look away and cover my eyes immediately, even the picture in this article (why would they put that here?) So you can see where that thought comes from composition and the ocean ) and photos of?! T even go to the beach but will avoid documentaries and films that feature the shark it... 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